Does reading my blog make you hungry? Even staring at the photos make my mouth salivate. Are you looking for new recipes, ideas or inspiration? Cause I always am! I can tell you’re a foodie since you’re checking out my blog.
Let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Jillian Mak and I was born and raised in Vancouver, BC. I am an absolute foodie. Whether it’s cooking or dining out, I always find a way to show my appreciation for FOOD.
You are probably wondering where my blog name (Makaroo Eats) came from. Well, it’s kind of a long story but I’ll try to make it short for you. I used to love eating Dunkaroos (a really popular biscuit with flavoured dips on the side) and it always had an image of a kangaroo as their signature logo. That’s kind of how I started to like eating sweets and candy when I was about 7 or 8 years old. But hey, my love for Dunkaroos will never die and that’s when I started playing around with names and called myself “Makaroo.” It has a nice ring to it and it makes me sound famous! Hahahahaha…
I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and currently work in the health industry. I enjoy cooking because it relaxes my mind and of course, I get to eat it afterwards. I like to combine simple ingredients and make something spectacular out of it. It will definitely blow your mind away as to how simple recipes can be. A great and nutritious meal can be prepared with minimal effort. There is no fantasy dansy secret to cooking but the key ingredient to every successful recipe is to “put your heart” into it and then….EAT IT to your heart’s content!