I absolutely adore mangoes and summer is the annual mango season!!! There are always fresh and sweet mangoes at local grocery stores and farmer’s markets. I like to use Ataulfo mangoes during the summer time because they’re exceptionally sweet and it melts in your mouth. Ataulfo mango comes from Mexico and they are the most popular mangoes during the summer weather in Vancouver, BC. Affordability wise, ataulfo mangoes are the most affordable and they tend to go on sale all the time. I have tried many different mango pudding recipes before and I always wanted to make my own so I can enjoy the dessert in the comfort of my own home. Sit and watch tv while eating dessert is always enjoyable and delightful on a hot summer day. Mango pudding will definitely cool you off when you’re stuck in the heat.
Here is my recipe to the perfect fresh mango pudding….
2 teaspoons of gelatine
100 mL of hot water
30g of organic cane sugar
100 mL of milk
75 mL of whipping cream
2 medium sized fresh Ataulfo mangoes (cut mangoes into large cubes)
Cooking Instructions:
- Pour gelatine into a metal bowl and then add the hot water into the bowl to melt the gelatine. Mix well with a spatula or a metal spoon.
- Using a double-boiler method, fill a pot with water and wait for it to boil. Do not add the lid. Once the water boils, place the metal bowl on top of the pot. Keep stirring the mixture of gelatine.
- Add the cane sugar into the gelatine mixture. Mix well and combine until the sugar is dissolved completely.
- Using a blender or food processor, blend the mango cubes until you get a nice puree mixture.
- Add the mixture from the metal bowl into the blender and mix well.
- Then combine the milk and whipping cream into the blender and mix well.
- Lastly, pour the mango pudding mixture into 4 ramenkins – each ramenkin should be approximately 3/4 full.
- Place the ramenkins into the fridge over night and it should be ready the next day. Or, if you make it the same day, make sure the pudding is in the fridge for at least 4-5 hours and it will be ready to serve!
You can add some fresh fruits on top of the mango pudding once it is ready to be served! You can even add blueberries, strawberries, mangoes, or mixed fruits. Be creative!